How to Fix the SSL/TLS Handshake Failed Error?

The SSL/TLS Handshake Failed error is a common error that occurs when a client (such as a web browser) and a server (such as a web server) are unable to establish a secure connection using SSL/TLS. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including:

  1. The SSL certificate is not properly installed or configured on the server. This can include issues such as a missing intermediate certificate or an incorrect domain name in the certificate.
  2. The client and server are using different versions of SSL/TLS. This can happen if the server is using an older version of SSL/TLS that is no longer considered secure.
  3. The client or server is using an SSL/TLS library that contains known vulnerabilities.
  4. The client and server are unable to establish a secure connection due to a firewall or other network issue.

Here are some steps you can take to fix the SSL/TLS Handshake Failed error:

  1. Verify that the SSL certificate is properly installed and configured on the server. Make sure that the certificate is valid, not expired and issued by a trusted CA.
  2. Verify that the client and server are using the same version of SSL/TLS. If the server is using an older version, consider upgrading to a newer, more secure version.
  3. Update the SSL/TLS library on the client or server to the latest version to address known vulnerabilities.
  4. Check your firewall and other network configurations to ensure that SSL/TLS traffic is not being blocked.
  5. Check for the compatibility of the SSL/TLS version being used on the server with the client browser.
  6. If the issue still persists, check the SSL/TLS log files on the server to see if they contain any additional information that can help diagnose the problem.

In summary, SSL/TLS Handshake Failed error is caused when the client and server are unable to establish a secure connection using SSL/TLS. This can happen for a variety of reasons including a missing intermediate certificate, an incorrect domain name in the certificate, different versions of SSL/TLS being used, known vulnerabilities in the SSL/TLS library or network issues. To fix this error, you can check the SSL certificate installed, verify that client and server are using the same version of SSL/TLS, update the SSL/TLS library, check firewall and network configurations, check the compatibility of the SSL/TLS version and check the SSL/TLS log files.

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